ADT Lecture 4 - 4 September 2014

Recursion (cont.)


Suppose we have a string S = "abc". permute("abc") should returns a list of abc acb bac bca .... which have the size of 3! elements.

If we want to permute a string of length n, we should consider how to permute a string of length n-1

a b c d e
 permute these

After we have the result of substring permutation, we can compute the permutation of main string by adding a to various positions of the output.

a _ _ _ _
_ a _ _ _
_ _ a _ _
_ _ _ a _
_ _ _ _ a

Now let's code it in Java. We have to choose a data structure to use. In this case we can use ArrayList

ArrayList<String> permute(String s){
    ArrayList<String> as = new ArrayList<String>();

    // base case
    if(s.length() == 1){
        return s;

    ArrayList<String> t = permute(s.substring(1));

    for(String ss : t){
        for(int i=0; i < s.length() + 1; i++){
            String sss = new String();
            sss += ss.substring(0, i) + 
                s.substring(0, 1) +
                ss.substring(i, ss.length());

    return as;

Number of combinations

This section use LaTeX to denote mathematics equations

We want to calculate (n r) (\dbinom{n}{r}) recursively. The formula to compute this is (n r) = (n-1 r-1)*(n-1 r) (\dbinom{n-1}{r-1}\dbinom{n-1}{r}).

For example, to compute the number of combinations in shuffling abcde we can see that it is number of combinations without a + number of combinations with a.

int combi(int n, int r){
    // (n 0) = (n n) = 1
    if((r == 0) || (r == 1)){
        return 1;
    return combi(n-1, r) + combi(n-1, r-1);

Speeding up recursion

  1. Only recurse when necessary
  2. Use divide and conquer technique
  3. Memorization

For example for the divide and conquer techinque, to do a^n we can see that a^n = a^(n/2) a^(n/2) if n is even and a^n = a^(n/2)a^(n/2)a if n is odd.

int fastPower(int a, int n){
    if(n == 0){
        return 1;
    int temp = fastPower(a, n/2) * fastPower(a, n/2);
    if(n % 2 == 0){
        return temp;
        return a * temp;

For the memorization technique, we can use it to compute the fibonacci sequence faster. After we have computed a number, we add it to a cache to avoid computing it again later.