Database lecture 4 - 27 February 2015


If we don't use join but store duplicated data, we'll get many problems.

Insertion anomaly

First problem is that we might lost data when we delete it.

For example if we store branch information together with loans. If we delete all loans of a branch, that branch's information is lost. If we use NULL to store the loan it would be hard to manage.

Updating anomaly

Second problem is that when we update data, we have to update every instances of the data otherwise it would be inconsistent.


Domain constraints

If we want to add a constraints on data (eg. age must be 20-60) the DBMS can do that for you by using validation rules. Or you can add a validation code to your application.

Key constraint

The DBMS can check whether the key is unique and not null.

Referential integrity constraint

The DBMS can check whether the referenced id exists in the referenced table or not.

Atomic value

A value that cannot be divided to smaller unit. For example, a person name is non-atomic as it can be seperated to first name, middle name and last name.

Building a database

You need to know

  • Business rule
  • Business process
  • Data relationship
  • Normal form definitions
  • Schematics of each attributes

Normal form

  • More normalization create more normal form
  • Less anomalies
  • More tables
  • The first normal form all the domain are atomic
  • eg. seperate employee's skills into separate rows
  • Second normal form seperate the attributes and key
  • eg. split course name and enrollments
  • Third normal form is like 2nd normal form but without transitive dependencies
  • eg. product ID and type can determine its price. This is called transitive dependencies