Softspec lecture 4 - 12 February 2015

(Note: stuff in slide may not be noted here)

Use case & Re-engineering

Many companies has legacy code. Maybe the documentation is not good and the maintainer left.

To work with them, we might have to redevelop them or re-engineer it.

To re-engineer contains two phases

  • Reverse engineer: look at working application and see models out of it
  • Look at the code quality
    • How much we should re-engineer it? (maybe the code can't be be run any more)
    • Worst case: use the knowledge from it to start from the group up
  • Build the abstract model (Mostly in inception, elaboration phase of UP) because the code could be quite large
    • One way to do this: interview users
    • But the users doesn't know how exactly the code works
    • Then we get use cases
  • Analysis the implementation model
    • Look at packages, folders, files, etc.
  • Run the use cases
    • Record the method calls ("traces")
    • Trace is not complete! It depends on input and environment (eg. if method branches depending on output of Math.random())
  • Map function to the implementation model
    • Now we should have an idea where to start your work
  • Forward engineer: think about future development

User story

  • Originated from Extreme Programming
  • Tell you what users want
  • More lightweight than use cases
  • Use case is sequential
  • User story CANNOT be changed
  • Short (1-2 sentences)
  • Self contained
  • Answer who/what/why


  • User story can't scale very well
  • We have to keep track every of them and there're a lot of them
  • Compared to use case it contains multiple user stories into one flow
  • Doesn't contain non functional requirements


  • As a something, I want something so that something
  • As a cashier, I want to see a list of products customer is purchasing so that I can tell the customer how much they have to pay
  • Maybe omit the benefit?
  • As a cashier, I want to see a list of products customer is purchasing
  • Or even emphasize it
  • To tell the customer how much they have to pay, as a cashier I want to see a list of products customer is purchasing


  • Implement simple, key version of the application
  • Don't implement all requirements at once
  • Mostly focus at 1 use case in each iteration (but could be more)

Domain model

  • We write domain model because it help you see relationship between objects and business people would understand application better
  • Number, text, boolean should be attribute in domain model
  • But something bigger like "Airport" (that has its name, code, etc) should be class.


Sale domain model