Computer Organization Lecture 2 - 3 September 2014

  • Von Neumann architecture:
  • Von Neumann talked about bottleneck in computing between CPU and memory
  • CPU can process instructions really fast, but the memory can't keep up with it.
  • In Von Neumann architecture CPU are breaked down to two parts
  • Control
  • Data path - consists of ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), Register (source of data to compute)
  • Control loop:
  • Fetch: Get instruction from memory (eg. RAM) -- thus RAM store both data and code. The instruction is stored in IR (Instruction Register -- a special storage to store instructions in CPU)
  • Decode: Identify the kind of instruction retrieved.
  • Exec: Send signal to related components to perform action based on instruction.
  • For example, if fetch got an ADD instruction, control will tell ALU to perform addition.
  • There are 2 kinds of instructions:
  • Control action of CPU
  • Control the source of data to operate on
  • Work of the control:
  • Read instructions from memory
  • Issue signals to components
  • Control the program flow with JUMP and BRANCH statements.
  • Datapath contains:
  • Functional components: units that perform actions eg. ALU, Register file (Storage)
  • Interconnects: Connection to data sources


RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

  • Has fixed instruction length (32 bits)
  • Has limited addressing modes (methods to access operands -- data to be used with ALU)

The idea of having these limitations is to make the hardware small and simple thus performs fast.

MIPS R3000 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

  • Instruction categories
  • Computation - Involves ALU. eg. ADD SUB MUL.
  • Load/Store - Involves memory.
  • Jump and Branch - Jump is to go to a specific address. Branch is conditional jump -- go to specified address if the condition is met.
  • Instruction formats: 32 bits widths
  • R format: OP rs rt rd sa funct
  • I format: OP rs rt immediate
  • J format: OP jumptarget

Converting to binary

1   1   1   1
2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15
or 2^4 - 1

1   1   1   1       1   1   1   1
2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4     2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
128+64+ 32+ 16+     8 + 4 + 2 + 1   = 255
or 2^8 - 1

We can read it in base 16 by grouping in a group of 4.

1   1   1   1       1   1   1   1
---sum=15----       ----sum=15---
    F                   F

We call the largest value (leftmost number) the MSB - Most Significant Bit and the smallest value (rightmost number) the LSB - Least Significant Bit

MIPS Arithmetic Instructions

add $t0, $s1, $s2
sub $t0, $s1, $s2

(Add/Subtract $s1 and $s2 and save to $t0)

Each arithmetric instruction performs only one operation. The $ sign is indicating that the address is in register file.

Machine language - add instruction

Comparing add operation to R format - arithmetic instruction format:

  • op: add
  • rs: $s1
  • rt: $s2
  • rd: $t0
  • shamt
  • funct: add

  • op is 6-bits width specifying operation

  • rs is 5-bits of register file address of the first source operand
  • rt is 5-bits of register file address of the second source operand
  • rd is 5-bits of register file address of the result's destination
  • shamt is 5-bits specifying shift amount (for shift instructions)
  • funct is 6-bits specifying function code augmenting the opcode

MIPS Register file

  • Hold 32 of 32 bits registers
  • Located in the ALU
  • Has 1 write port and 2 read ports
  • Input ports: src1 addr, src2 addr, dst addr (all 5 bits width), write data (32 bits width), write control (1 bit width)
  • Output ports: src1 data, src2 data (all 32 bits width)
  • Has one bit write control signal
  • If write control is on, data sent in write data port will be written to address specified by dst addr port.
  • If write control is off, data stored in address specified by src1 addr and src2 addr ports will be outputted to src1 data and src2 data ports.

  • Registers are

  • Faster than memory (Bigger register are slower than smaller one)
  • Easier for compilers to use
  • Shorter to call than a memory location

MIPS memory access instruction

Load instruction

lw $t0, 4($s3)

Load a word from memory location (the value of register $s3 + 4) to register $t0

Store instruction

sw $t0, 8($s3)

Store value of $t0 to memory location (the value of register $s3 + 8)

  • The memory address is 32-bit formed by adding the value of base address register to offset value. The offset can be positive or negative.
  • A 16-bit field means that access is limited to +-2^13 words (+-2^15 bytes) of address in base register

For example:

  • $s3 stored 1000. This is the base address register
  • 4($s3) means 1000 + 4 = 1004
  • When writing loop, we could use 1000($s3) and shift $s3 by 4 each loop to access 1000, 1004, 1008...

These instructions are in I format

  • op: lw
  • rs: $s2
  • rt: $t0
  • 16-bit offset: 4

Conditional branch instruction

  • bne $s0, $s1, Lbl: Go to Lbl if $s0 != $s1
  • beq $s0, $s1, Lbl: Go to Lbl if $s0 == $s1

For example,

if(i == j){
    h = i+j;
        bne $s0, $s1, Lbl1
        add $s3, $s0, $s1 ; $s3 = $s0+$s1
Lbl1:   ...

This use the I instruction format

  • op: bne/beq
  • rs: $s0
  • rt: $s1
  • 16 bit offset: Relative position of Lbl to the next instruction

The offset is related to the next instruction instead of bne/beq as after bne/beq has been read the instruction address register will be already advanced to the next instruction.

As the offset is 16-bit width, the jump can be only +- 2^15-1 instructions away from the source instruction (instruction next to bne/beq)